Eid ul fitr.

celebrating eid in the sunnah way

(1)Celebrating with the poor:-ZAKAT-UL-FITR given on the day of Eid (best time is before going out for prayer)to poor Muslims so they have enough food during Eid.

“Allah’s Messenger has made obligatory zakat al-Fitr in the amount of sa’a of dates or one sa’a of barley, for the Muslims – slave or free, male or female, young or old, and he ordered it to be given before the people went out to the Eid prayer. We would give it out before Eid by a day or two.] Bukhari, Muslim

(2)Ghusl: Ibn ‘Umar used to take a bath on the day of Fitr before proceeding to the musalla. (Malik, Abd al-Razzaq, etc)

(3)Beautifying oneself: The Prophet used to wear his best clothes to go  the Eid prayer. He had a cloak that he wore specifically on the two Eid’s and Friday. Ibn ‘Umar also used to wear his best clothes on he two Eid’s. Men may put on perfume, wear a kufi or an imama and not shave their beards while women must observe proper purdah and not put on perfume.

(4)Eating on the morning of Eid: Allah’s Messenger would not leave his house on the Day of Fitr until he had ate some dates. (Bukhari)

(5) Prayer in the Musalla: The Sunna is to hold the Eid prayer in the open. This outdoor place is called the musalla.

(6)Taking different routes: The Prophet would take different routes on the day of Eid (Bukhari)

(7) Walking: Ali said it is Sunna that you goto Eid walking (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

(8) Saying Takbeer: is a distinctive feature of Eid.

“…And that you must exclaim Allah’s greatness for having guided you, so that you may be grateful.” (Surah al-Baqara; 2: 185)

(9)Eid’s Prayer: Performing Eid prayer in congregation

(10) khutba:The Prophet would give the Khutba after the prayer. 

The Eid khutba of the prophet would be one unit, unlike the Jumu’ah Khutba which is two.

He would give a choice to either listen to the khutba or leave. After finishing the prayer, the Prophet would say,

We shall give the khutba – so let whoever wishes to sit for khutba do so, and whoever wishes to leave, leave.”

                                        EID MUBARAK